MAY 3, 2021: BLOG #24

Reflections of 2021:
The Road So Far

Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. *Not sponsored by anyone/anything. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Image by Couleur from Pixabay

Originally written on 4/3/2021

I’m not going to lie. It’s been a hard and emotionally exhausting month for me.

I know it’s no excuse. Not really. To say (as a writer) that you will only write when you feel like it. *But you should be taking necessary breaks so you don’t overexert yourself. As a writer, it’s your job to write. And to get better at your craft, you must practice your craft every day.

I guess this post serves more as a future letter to myself. And to help me reflect by dumping all my feelings.

I haven’t had inspiration, enthusiasm, creativity, imagination, or excitement over the past month. I don’t know what it is. I’m still desperately trying to figure out this irritating slump myself so I can get moving and writing again (with a smile).

My mind feels stunted. My heart feels worn.

I’ve come to hate the things I’ve used to like. And it’s not because I truly hate it. It’s because I hate that I don’t get the wonderful feeling by doing those things anymore. I still love the things I’m interested in. I’m just terribly frustrated that I can’t deeply feel or express that love right now…and I don’t know WHY.

I seem to have lost the ability to care much. Something I never imagined could happen to me. Because I feel too damn much all the damn time!

My clarity of vision has become very blurry and I’m lost. I guess this is normal – because we’re humans. But when you go through it, it feels like the farthest thing from normal. I don’t feel like myself. When I can’t have this sweeping romance and beautiful dance with creativity where we harmoniously diffuse magic together, what do I have?

I feel empty. And to feel like your creativity and imagination has been stripped from you is like a ruthless thief has cut out your vital organs.

I blame COVID quarantine. Ha ha! I shouldn’t blame it, but I do. I’ve seem to lose humor and enjoyment in things. And it sucks! It makes me so anxious! At the start of quarantine, I was ecstatic to be able to live in my seemingly happy bubble of solitude. And genuinely I was. I enjoyed going within. Learning about myself. Playing with my creativity. Taking a break from being around people. But after a year of isolation, damn, even I was starting to feel the effects that others felt at the start of quarantine.

I feel empty. And it doesn’t help that I don’t feel like I am doing anything meaningful in my life.

I watched my favorite shows and movies. Read my favorite books. Wrote stories, songs, poetry. Did crafting and photography. Binge-watched YouTube. Belted out songs at the top of my lungs.

I see a blank canvas or page and I know there’s a colorful image waiting to surface. I yearn to create. To embrace the abundant magic. I’m ready to get moving. But I feel stuck and I can’t make anything…

Nothing brought back life into me. Everything seemed to be a temporary treatment to my ailment. A momentary upper that drops me even lower once the effects are gone. An ailment I can’t put my finger on. Other than I’m socially disconnected. But even trying to remedy that seems like too much effort.

I will be optimistic that I’ll get out of this slump. But for now, I’m still adrift in this murky lake of confusion and bleakness.