FEBRUARY 7, 2018: BLOG #1

Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!

As we are starting off the new year of 2018, resolutions fill up conversations between friends, coworkers, or maybe even strangers. Some even joke about it with others. Whether it’s the desire to eat healthier, study more, earn better grades, incorporate exercise into our lifestyle, or volunteer and make a difference in the world, resolutions have become somewhat of a tradition to signal the start of a new beginning.

What do you think a dream is? And nope, I’m not just talking about the vivid scenes that color our night’s sleep. Dreams range from being an Olympic gold medalist to a successful musician to being a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Dreams may seem like the fairytale endings that we only think are possible during our childhood moments.

Here’s where I discuss how you can take action to try to make those dreams come true. That’s where the quote comes in.

Zig Ziglar stated that “goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill”.

Let’s Get Down to Business

Dreams are great to have. They are imaginative. They are definitely a motivating factor. And I would say hold onto that. What dreams do you have?

Now comes to the nitty gritty of being able to make those dreams come true. Of course, not every dream may be the most reasonable idea to recreate in real life. But still hold onto it because, like I mentioned, use that idea and imagination as a motivating factor. Hold onto the dream to motivate you to take the necessary smaller steps, or set the goals, to allow yourself the opportunity to reach your desired outcome. Think about all the great inventions and accomplishments that have been made. The first man on the moon, the creation of the first plane or automobile, electricity, or the movement to end discrimination.

All of these started as a dream. Then goals were created. And toss in another key ingredient: persistence.

Persistence is a critical element for you to achieve these goals. If you fail over and over and over while you attempt to fulfill the goals you diligently and thoughtfully developed, you have to decide if you want to quit or continue. And my words of encouragement for you is to continue.

What’s Your Dream?

Define what it is that you find yourself daydreaming about, what you spend your leisure time doing, or what gives you fulfillment to do. For example, you want to write a novel that becomes a New York Times bestseller or become a prominent activist or be able to run a whole marathon.

Now set your short term goals and your long term goals. When setting a goal or a plan, make sure it’s reasonable and set a deadline for yourself. For example, you want to read a novel in a week the next year or you want to run for 30 minutes a week for 3 months.

The Three P’s: Positive. Persistent. Patient.

Stay positive and be persistent and patient with yourself. There will be times where you feel that the things you are doing aren’t worth your effort. However, if you persevere and continue pushing forward even through failure and challenges and frustration, you will allow yourself the chance to make steps towards reaching your dreams. Essentially, you can even think about your dreams as just a long term and possible goal. And you’re going to get there. Just don’t stop climbing towards it.

Best wishes to everyone!