AUGUST 9, 2021: BLOG #38

A Millennial's Thought:
What Has This World Come To?

Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not sponsored by anyone, this is all my own personal opinion. Not professional advice. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!


*I’m mostly talking out of my ass for this, so enjoy my rant. I don’t know if any of this makes sense, but I hope you get something out of it. I guess I’m talking about reverting back to a simpler form of entertainment, like reading physical books, and how I think it’s more beneficial to enjoy this form of entertainment versus being on electronic devices all the time.


This might be a redundant millennial’s rant that you’ve frequently come across on the internet or even during face to face discussions:

The world is advancing too technologically fast!

I miss the simpler times!

Everything now is so expensive!

I wish I can do whatever I wanted rather than be stuck in a job I hate!

Any of these sentiments sound familiar? When I first started thinking about the idea to write this post, I figured I was going to whine and bitch about my situation. Okay, fine. I admit there may be some of that in here. But I’ll try to reel it in some and provide a hopefully worthwhile post to read.

As you know, I primarily wanted to use this website to share my enthusiasm and love of books with others who enjoy being transported into another world, time, realm, life through the black and white words laid on a page.

This made me start thinking about how I use reading as an escapism. A coping method. Because I despise the current world I live in.

It also dawned on me how much I yearn for simpler times. Like the worlds I imagine the characters to be in when I’m fully immersed in a good book.

So then I contemplated about my role as a consumer of books.

I know, a natural tangent, right? I’m not against e-books, but I indubitably prefer physical books. Because they don’t run out of charge and they’re basically immortal. Unless it gets caught in a storm, chewed and shit on by your pet or decides to jump into a fire. I mean if you take care of the books, you’ll keep it for quite a while.

Since I’ve been perusing the internet a lot, asking those very questions introduced above, I’m also aware I’m not the only one who feels this way. So why does a whole group of people feel something similar to what I have expressed?


There was a quote I was reading online the other day that mentioned how a book allows you to travel even when you’re stuck where you are. This holds much more weight during the time of COVID-19 quarantine, where we’re physically limited on travel. But that should never prohibit our minds from mentally venturing into another place.

Don’t allow your imagination to be stunted because your physical body is unable to move.

Yes, I encourage daydreaming. Even if you fail your classes because you do it too often – ahem me. Just kidding. Don’t fail your classes. But definitely allow yourself to daydream.

Regardless, the quote perfectly captures what I feel when I get lost in a good story. When I’m feeling down, lonely, contemplative, imaginative, inspired – you get the idea – I reach out and wrap my fingers around that rectangular block, open it up and buzz with excited energy as I anticipate the adventure I’ll soon be carried off to. No, I’m not talking about the cell phone. I’m talking about a good old fashioned book.


Which brings me to my next part. For all you Psycho-Pass fans and especially Shogo Makishima fans, you’ll appreciate this one. I wholeheartedly agree with Makishima’s statement of being a simple person who likes simple things. Along with his passion for books. P.S. I’ll reference to Psycho-Pass a ton because it’s just simply badass and I adore this show.

I guess because I felt humans are already buzzing with an innate and internal complexity every second, I prefer my external environment to be simplified to give me some breathing room from all things being so complicated all the time.

Wondered why the minimalist lifestyle is trending right now?

I believe complexity is good for our minds and development as humans. However, sometimes I find that we’re on sensory overload with all the things happening around us. We’re only aware of all the things happening around us because we’re so interconnected to the world around us through the technology. I’m not bashing on technology as I believe it has its utilitarian purposes. Having too much of a good thing though ultimately leads to something good becoming unhealthy for us.

Balance is always key.

And I guess I yearn to return to a time where things felt simpler – not necessarily that they were. To me, simplicity in our external world allows us to connect with the root of what it means to be human. AKA become self-aware of our intricate and fast-moving internal world. We can only divide so much of our attention to everything. If we are constantly in tune with keeping up with our external world, we can neglect attention to our internal world. Personally, I’d like to try to master and understand my internal world so that I can influence my external world more positively. Not have the external world dominate me. Can you tell yet I’m an INFJ (if you don’t know what this means, search up MBTI personality assessment)?

And as a curious otherworldly being who’s fascinated by human behavior, I delight in learning more about this very concept.


More demand (more people want), more supply (more sellers make and sell). Simple, right?

So speaking of simple things. In my endeavor to become more well-read and limit my electronics use, I decided to take on the good ole pastime of reading physical books.

The more I rely on everything in my life to be technologically advanced (ahem, smart gadgets covering every inch of my living), the more it hinders my growth. I’ve been addicted to my computer or my phone and felt out of touch with myself. I’m constantly depressed or anxious because all I see when I’m on the internet or turn on the TV is violence or dis-heartening images and stories. I’m so fearful of the world that I want to plaster the best security cameras all over my private home. Does the security camera provide more safety or serves as a constant reminder that I’m not safe?

Either way, technology serves its purpose. But it can’t be dominating my whole life. So I’m not going to keep buying the latest gadgets in the market. Because I don’t need it. They will all pile up in my device graveyard eventually. I have gadgets that I love and take really good care of to last me years – it’s functional and helps me be productive.

Consuming less of this resource can correlate with less production of it. And consuming less of it, hopefully inspires us to get in touch with ourselves and others the old-fashioned way. Experience the world as the natural beauty it is. Maybe if we return to a simpler time, I won’t feel the need to always run away and dive into a book because I just can’t stand to witness what the world has become around me. Maybe that’s why you feel the need to run to entertainment?


Is this my propaganda against electronic devices? No. I’m not against its usage. I love electronics too! Is this whole damn post just a way to express my displaced frustration towards electronics? Could be, who the hell knows. But I don’t want our quickly technologically advancing society to veer me away from taking time to understand my human core. Just because they’re building androids, doesn’t mean we have to become androids ourselves.