I’m Back! Start of 2021
JANUARY 11, 2021. Miss me? Welcome to the start of 2021 and by golly I'm ready to make some positive changes and move towards making my dreams come true. How about you?
JANUARY 11, 2021. Miss me? Welcome to the start of 2021 and by golly I'm ready to make some positive changes and move towards making my dreams come true. How about you?
JULY 18, 2020. The tragic arson attack that occurred at Kyoto Animation on July 18, 2019 took the lives of many talent artists and injured several more. On this anniversary, I'd like to express my gratitude for all the beautiful works KyoAni has produced that have changed me. In honor of all from the KyoAni studio.
SEPTEMBER 30, 2018. You don't necessarily need to sign up for all those expensive, trending diet programs. You can be your own advocate and create your own nutrition plan to eat better. You got this!
SEPTEMBER 30, 2018. You sign up for the gym membership in hopes that you will go every day and get in the best shape of your life. But you never do. This post suggests some simple exercises to get you started on your health journey. And you can do all this at home, free of cost!
SEPTEMBER 30, 2018. There's no better time than the present. So take the first steps to making positive change in your life NOW. Yeah, you heard me. Change starts now.
JUNE 30, 2018. Here’s a hypothetical conversation between a couple. This exchange includes themes of self-esteem, introversion, acceptance, and support. She tries to explain to him in her own colorful description how she feels a lack of connection to others. How many of you can relate to this? To feel like you aren’t fully understood, even by the people who you thought held a deep connection with you.
MAY 30, 2018. Are you with someone special right now? Or maybe looking for someone special? Or maybe you're the prize that hasn't been claimed by anyone yet? Read this post on my thoughts about loving someone who is worth loving.
FEBRUARY 7, 2018. Welcome to the first blog post on this website ever! And welcome in the 2018 year. Dreams. Goals. Wishes. Whatever it is, this is your time to work on them and achieve your best. Start taking charge of your life today! You got this!