MAY 31, 2021: BLOG #28
Book Review:
Dear Ally, How Do
You Write a Book?
by Ally Carter
Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Not a sponsored post. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!
“So I can’t really tell you how to write a book. There is no single way to do it, you see. Every author is different. Heck, every book is different. Really, there’s only one thing I can say with absolute certainty: This process will take time.”
Dear Ally, How Do You Write a Book? By Ally Carter
ISBN: 978-1338212273
Page Count: 326 (average joe but ain’t no joke)
Genre: self-help, motivational, inspirational, career, creativity
Book Bites: 3 Sentence Intro About What This Story Is
If you ever thought about writing your own book but didn’t know where to start, Ally Carter introduces aspiring writers to the foundations of writing, novel building, and what to expect from the publishing industry. Answering some of her fans most popular and common questions, this guide will allow you to start crafting your long-dreamt of novel today. She also incorporates advice from colleagues in her industry so you get to hear from multiple authors and publishers about their own writing processes and careers.
*As usual, to see the official book teaser/summary of this, go to anywhere books are found and read up more about what this book is about.
Now on to My Commentary (**May Contain Spoilers: Read at Your Own Risk)
I’m a HUGE fan of Ally Carter! Ahem, obsessed with her Gallagher Girls series! Obsessed is probably an understatement. Also, I’m team Cammie and Zach if anyone is wondering! Though I am also team Zach and Joe Solomon. And I was super excited when she released a self-help book that gave us a look into an author’s career and the behind-the-scenes process of writing and ultimately publishing a book.
I couldn’t find and own this book fast enough!!!
Isn’t it the best when your favorite authors write books to teach us how to pursue a career like theirs? Because isn’t that what many of us bibliophiles aspire to do? To tell a story that means as much to someone else as the stories we read meant to us.
Easy to Understand Writing Guide for All Ages
Many have noted that Dear Ally is like the teen and young adult version of Stephen King’s successful and popular On Writing book. Even though Carter generally writes for the young adult and teen audience, I think any beginner writer or aspiring author who wants to start writing their novel or brush up on some skills should check out this book. It addresses the basics of writing and reads similar to an advice column. Over the years, she’s received several questions from her fans about how to write their own books so she’s compiled and answered the main questions here in Dear Ally. Each chapter tackles a specific element in the process of writing a book. In addition to providing a brief lesson on the fundamentals of writing, Carter also offers advice on coping with the dreaded “writer’s block”, publishing your book, and what to expect if you decide to become a professional.
Ally Carter addresses some of these questions in her book and more!
- “I love writing, but I have so many ideas. How do I know which ideas are the good ones?”
- “Do you find it easier to plan out your entire book before you write it, or do you prefer to just have a basic idea and see where it takes you?”
- “How do you go about creating a world that’s both realistic and captivating to the reader?”
- “How do you plan a book? Do you plot the entire story before you begin writing, or do you simply have a basic idea and let the story develop as you write?”
- “How do you find the motivation to write when you’re not feeling in the mood for it?”
Carter packs a lot of information into this easily digestible book for people at all levels of their writing journey.*If you’ve ever read any other Ally Carter books, her voice shines through in this one too. It’s very encouraging and far from a boring textbook. Like learning from a friend (a successful professional friend who you’re probably never going to meet in real life but whose work you absolutely admire). Beginner friendly. So no more excuses for not being able to write stuff! Get to it!
You Get to Hear Advice from Multiple Authors
Not only do you get to hear from Ally Carter, but she has sections throughout the book called “What’s the best writing advice you ever got?” where some of her colleagues in the writing and publishing industry answer questions too! Keep in mind, this book is primarily Carter’s advice so some of the other authors only briefly make an appearance. I thought these were very helpful and insightful as you get to hear diverse voices on the topic of writing. Some other authors featured in the book include Holly Black, David Levithan, Alex London, Cassandra Clare, Marissa Meyer, Marie Lu, Melissa De La Cruz and so much more. It’s honestly like taking a personal class where you have several talented mentors there to offer their advice on the craft of writing and also share all-too-real struggles and heartwarming, inspiring achievements.
I gained a larger perspective to see (and feel comforted by) the common struggles all writers face. I used my instinct to follow whichever piece of advice suited me best as a writer. But as you go through your own writing process, you’ll find what advice is most relevant to you. And what process works best for you. The better and smoother your process feels, you’ll enjoy writing more and eventually you will reach those milestones to publishing (if these are your goals)! And sometimes when you’re curled up in fetal position and questioning your whole life purpose or why you even decided to pursue this career that totally challenges you in a good way but also makes you want to scream, cry, and give up on living, read Dear Ally to help you calm down and keep pushing forward.
Glossary of Authors Who Contributed to This Book
I liked that she included a glossary in the end that defines and further explains specific jargon used throughout the book. She also includes a brief summary and introduction of all the authors who contributed and provided advice in the book. I found the glossary and author bios to be a very thoughtful detail to add to an already solid work. Though I’ve never heard of some of these people nor have I read their work, I found some new authors to check out because they sounded like cool people! Finding new books to read is always a bonus! Especially if you are a fan of Ally Carter, you’ll most likely enjoy the other authors featured in this book.
Final Thoughts
If you haven’t started to develop your ideas, you’re currently plotting your book, or you’re stuck during the writing process, pick up this book. A quick read from it can spark inspiration and encourage you to turn your ideas into that fully fleshed novel of your dreams!
Check out this book if it piques your interest. Hope you enjoy it as your next read or a re-read!
And remember, “Every story is worth the read. Someone (some poor, overworked, ink-stains-on-the-clothes lovely soul) took the time to write it.”
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