JUNE 14, 2021: BLOG #30

Book Review:
Dear Asshole by Jillian Madison and Michelle Madison

Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Not a sponsored post. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!


“If you’ve ever wanted to put these assholes in their place, or let ‘em know how you really feel about their asshole-ish ways, we’ve got you covered.”

Dear Asshole By Jillian Madison and Michelle Madison

ISBN: 9780762442867

Page Count: 101 (slim and soulful)

Genre: humor/comedy, sarcasm, life

Book Bites: 3 Sentence Intro About What This Story Is

101 humorous tear out letters addressed to those who make your daily living difficult. There’s a letter for everyone in this book whether you’re pissed off at the restaurant server, your family members, people at the beach, people driving, the guy with a Bluetooth basically surgically attached to his ear, etc. They’ve come up with the carefully written letters so you don’t have to.

*As usual, to see the official book teaser/summary of this, go to anywhere books are found and read up more about what this book is about.

Now on to My Commentary (**May Contain Spoilers: Read at Your Own Risk)

Someone from a panel I watched brought out this book to show to the audience and it immediately caught my eye. Not to mention this book being a crowd pleaser. Pre-written letters to send to assholes in your life?! YES, PLEASE! A sweet friend of mine bought it for me as a holiday gift a few years back and I was ecstatic to add this book into my collection. Because when you’ve had a long, tiring, difficult day, you just want to curl up with this book and read all the things you wish you could have said but didn’t say to the assholes you entered throughout your day.

The messages/notes are relatable. We all know people in our lives that irk us just a smidgen beyond our baseline tolerance level. Okay, more than a smidgen. They straight up piss us off to the maximum. Like they’re the reason why I have to swallow gallons of pills to regulate my high blood pressure. Maybe many of you encounter these situations on a daily basis. I sure as hell do the second my foot leaves the nice, comfortable world called home and enter into the outside world.

Here’s an example of one of the letters from their book:

“Dear Asshole Who Stole My Parking Space,

That was my spot, you hear me? MINE. I waited patiently with my blinker on. I made eye contact with the driver who was pulling out. We shared a moment – that special glance that says, “Yes, my spot is yours, come hither.” Then, there you were, flying around the corner in your vehicle of doom, bolding pulling into my spot without a care in the world. You ruined everything. Thanks a lot, you asshole.

(And just so you know, you probably should have parked farther back. You look like you could use the cardio.)



P.S. Rot in hell.”

I was laughing out loud reading these letters because finally, FINALLY someone says what we’re all thinking when we encounter these types of people or these certain behaviors in our lives. What was even better was that I found myself guilty of some of the behaviors mentioned in some messages, such as in “Dear Cheapskate Asshole” and “Dear Overly Competitive Asshole”.  And you know what? Reading those made me laugh even harder! Because I can relate to these flaws myself. And it’s great to laugh at yourself once in a while.

As with many things I read and enjoy (ahem, I can be Queen Bitch – more often than not – and delight in insulting humor), this isn’t for the faint of heart. As the authors noted in the book, please use common sense and understand this is a humor book. Don’t use this book to purposefully hurt people. Also, probably don’t actually send out these letters. They’re meant for entertainment purposes. But, I mean you do you. I’m not control your decision to send out these letters or not. That’s my nugget of wisdom for this post.

The Good

  • Snarky, honest, AMAZING

The I’m-Not-So-Sure-About-That (AKA Constructive Criticism)/Parts I Didn’t Like

  • Some of the jokes can be outdated to those who aren’t familiar to some references

Final Thoughts

What are you waiting for? If you are or have a friend who needs sarcasm and sass like oxygen (haha, LIKE ME), this will breathe some life into them. Get the book!

Check out this book if it piques your interest. Hope you enjoy it as your next read or a re-read!

And remember, “Every story is worth the read. Someone (some overworked and ink-stains-on-the-clothes lovely soul) took the time to write it.”

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