SEPTEMBER 6, 2021: BLOG #42

Book Review:
The Red Scrolls of Magic
by Cassandra Clare
and Wesley Chu
(The Eldest Curses #1)

Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Not a sponsored post. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!

“So new that each was still learning the rhythms of the other, every glance or touch a move in a territory both wonderful and strange. Sometimes he caught himself looking at Alec, or found Alec looking at him, with luminous shock. It was as though each of them had discovered something unexpected but infinitely desirable. They were not yet sure of each other, but they wanted to be.”

The Red Scrolls of Magic By Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu

ISBN: 978-1481495080

Page Count: 368 (average joe but ain’t no joke)

Genre: romance, LGBTQA+, fantasy, historical fiction, young adult, adventure

Book Bites: 3 Sentence Intro About What This Story Is

All Magnus Bane wanted was to have a romantic getaway with his Shadowhunter boyfriend, Alec Lightwood, and show him the sights of Europe as get to know each other better. Well they do get to know each other better…but not in the way Magnus planned. When Magnus is accused of being the founder and leader of a demon-worshipping cult that starts causing problems during their vacation, the boys have to find a way to clear Magnus’s name, stop the cult’s activities before things get out of hand and somehow salvage what remains of their romantic vacation plans.

*As usual, to see the official book teaser/summary of this, go to anywhere books are found and read up more about what this book is about.

Now on to My Commentary (**May Contain Spoilers: Read at Your Own Risk)

Interested in the other Malec adventures? Read my reviews here!

The Bane Chronicles

The Lost Book of the White (Book #2 in The Eldest Curses series)

Back with some more Magnus Bane stories!! Not an understatement; I leapt out of my seat when I heard that fan favorite sassy, stylish warlock Magnus Bane and sweet, shy Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood have a whole series devoted to them and their relationship. WAS HEAVEN BROUGHT DOWN TO EARTH?! AM I DREAMING RIGHT NOW?!

This is the first book in the Eldest Curses series by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu. Yes, a whole series devoted to MALEC (Magnus + Alec. Keep up!). No amount of self-control could restrain my squeals and excitement when I found how this miracle of miracles, this beautiful piece of heaven that I only dreamed of, actually existed. Once I calmed enough after the initial shock, I actually started reading the books. Didn’t disappoint. I mean nothing with Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood together will ever disappoint.

You know you’re in for a good time when you’re on an adventure with Magnus Bane leading the way. Or really whenever you open up a book that’s got Magnus in it. I can totally understand why Alec can’t get enough of our charming warlock either.

Great Start to the Eldest Curses Trilogy

Maybe I was overly focused on the romantic development of Malec’s relationship that I was completely distracted from noticing clues that hinted to their main antagonist. To me, this made the villain’s reveal that much more satisfying since it was unexpected. I thought the overall plot and conflict were well developed and smoothly set up the overarching trilogy’s plot regarding the importance of the “eldest curses” and how they play a role in some plans by Greater Demons later on in the series.

And we have some Shadowhunter and Downworlder supporting characters that make a cameo in The Red Scrolls of Magic. Like Raphael Santiago, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, and more! I love the supporting characters! They always add a nice zest to the story.

Vacation Doesn’t Go as Planned…

Magnus had this whole romantic trip planned with his beloved Alec. Seduce and enthrall Alec with the sights of Europe. Indulge him with the best food and traveling experiences. Open up their hearts to each other more. Maybe bring their relationship to the next level

BUT who comes along to ruin his plans? Demons, of course. And demon-worshipping mundanes. (I mean give these boys a break! They are on vacation, damn it!) More specifically a demon-worshipping cult called the Crimson Hand. Which Magnus is apparently the founder and leader of. Problem is he can’t remember founding this cult. Uh oh…probably one of many drunken nights where Magnus can’t recall much…

Obviously if Magnus is responsible for the inception of this cult, this creates a conflict between Alec’s loyalty to his boyfriend and his duties as a Shadowhunter. Alec would be required to turn Magnus in for creating the Crimson Hand and spreading demon-worshipping ideas. And with new relationship jitters already, this adds another obstacle as they work to nurture their fresh relationship.

However, Alec doesn’t hesitate to support Magnus as they both investigate this cult and work to clear Magnus’s name for any involvement in it. Magnus accepts Alec’s assistance and welcomes him a little more into the private world and past that Magnus rarely shares with anyone. Alec didn’t get scared off by Magnus’s past nor does Alec judge him. Already here we are given a moment that shows why Magnus and Alec work well together: by continuing to be there for each other. Even early on in the relationship where they were uncertain about whether or not their relationship will sustain.

Magnus’s and Alec’s Character Growth

I loved how Alec came out of his shell more in this book. Yes, he is shy and uncertain of himself, considering he’s never really experienced a normal life outside of the New York Institute nor has he ever dated anyone before Magnus. We get a glimpse of Alec’s shyness around Magnus in The Bane Chronicles (see my review of this here!) – when they first started flirting with each other. Now given the opportunity to travel abroad and experience Downworlder environments and people without being on Shadowhunter duty, I felt Alec matures a great deal during the trip. He learns to be more confident in himself and his relationship with Magnus. As an added bonus, Alec learns to have compassion for and navigate the Downworlder society which I felt was critical as Alec develops his leadership and Shadowhunter qualities.

Not only that. Simultaneously Magnus learns to open up his heart again with someone who actually will care for it: Alec Lightwood. And we know how many times the sweet Magnus Bane has trusted over and over but has been let down and heartbroken. Being an outcast in both Downworlder and Shadowhunter society, it was nice for Magnus to have someone who genuinely loves and cares for him regardless if Magnus is a little eccentric in his style or let’s say… started a demon-worshipping cult as a joke. We also see Magnus’s softer side whenever he’s with Alec. This considerate, perceptive, and encouraging boyfriend. His light certainly helps Alec shine more of his own light as well.

We’re all rooting for you two! They have a lot of factors against them but we know the boys will fight hard for their love.

Lots of Love

No shortage of romantic, sweet, and loving moments between the lovebirds. I absolutely appreciated that their love is so tender and pure. I know, I know. Lately I have been leaning towards purer and sweeter love stories rather than my usual steamy, erotic paranormal fantasy love stories. But seriously. Magnus and Alec’s moments together will touch your heart and make consistently cry and squeal – in the best way possible!

Lots of laughs too! Maybe it’s Alec’s usually serious demeanor, but I was surprised at how uniquely hilarious and sassy Alec is in his own way. What a beautiful soul Alec is. Of course, we get a healthy dose of Magnus’s shining personality, wit, and exquisite taste in lifestyle, fashion, and travel as he serves as the tour guide on their adventure.

And at the end of the book, I’ll just say, you’ll be very satisfied. *wink* Despite all the hectic chaos and unexpected obstacles arising during their vacation, Magnus and Alec find a way to salvage their romantic vacation somehow.

Final Thoughts

I felt bittersweet zooming through the book since it was so exciting and interesting! But also I never wanted the story to end either! Can’t wait to read the rest of the series!!!

Love this – no…that’s a gross understatement! Words truly cannot express my joy, love and devotion to Magnus and Alec stories. LOVE MAGNUS BANE BECAUSE HE’S FREAKING MAGNUS BANE. His humor and fashion is always on point. And love, love, love ALEC LIGHTWOOD. They both have a big and loving heart. They’re beautiful, intelligent, interesting. And Malec together is always magical. Protect them at all costs.

Check out this book if it piques your interest. Hope you enjoy it as your next read or a re-read!

And remember, “Every story is worth the read. Someone (some poor, overworked, ink-stains-on-the-clothes lovely soul) took the time to write it.”

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