APRIL 18, 2022: BLOG #72

Book Review:
Vampire Seduction:
Paranormal Romance
by Celia Kyle and Marina Maddix (Real Men of Othercross #1)

Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Not a sponsored post. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!


Vampire Seduction: Paranormal Romance By Celia Kyle and Marina Maddix


Page Count: 91 (slim and soulful)

Genre: romance, supernatural/paranormal, drama

“If only vamp life was as sparkly and romantic as it was in the movies. Hell, she’d settle for a story arc in a romance novel right about now. The down-on-her-luck vampiress about to be evicted from her shithole apartment meets a hot-blooded master yearning for her – his fated mate, his one true love, his beloved – to join him in bringing down the evil genius plotting to take over the world.”

Book Bites: 3 Sentence Intro About What This Story Is

Othercross University law student, Alena Falkov, just discovered her one true love and fated mate…then she steps into the courtroom and realizes he’s the accused who she is meant to represent during the trial. What’s more is that Luca Ravenna is a member of her family’s enemy clan and he claims he’s accused of a crime he didn’t commit. Will Alena be able to bring out the truth in the courtroom and find a way for their forbidden and controversial relationship to work out?

*Content contains mature, explicit themes and language. Reader discretion advised.

*As usual, to see the official book teaser/summary of this, go to anywhere books are found and read up more about what this book is about.

Now on to My Commentary (**May Contain Spoilers: Read at Your Own Risk)

Another short kindle read (currently free on Amazon)! Welcome to the world of Othercross where the supernatural try to navigate and survive (somewhat) normal adult problems and life.

Alena is never late. Never. She’s a good worker and student. Brilliant. Fierce. But on this day…she was late. And on this day, she also met her beloved. Except he’s sitting in the hot seat in the courtroom about to be convicted of a crime he didn’t commit. Worse, his current attorney is an idiot who will certainly expedite his conviction. Alena couldn’t just sit back and watch this trainwreck. Especially not since it’s her fated mate who is being accused!

Luca was at the wrong place and wrong time. Now he’s stuck trying to prove his innocence in the crime. He’s got a horrible lawyer. He doesn’t have a solid alibi. And a Falkov is one of the judges in his trial. His family has been at odds with the Falkovs, who have been gunning to reduce the Ravenna clan’s power, for years. As a high ranking member, arresting Luca and removing him from the playing field would give the Falkovs a serious advantage. Then, like a fiery miracle, Alena walks into the courtroom. And Luca’s world is about to change in more ways than one…especially when he realizes she’s his beloved.

Vampire Seduction is an entertaining short story! The build-up of the mystery / crime / court case was really interesting and paced well! Luca was accused of a grave crime: an attack on another Other who was bled to death. Alena is only a law student though she has the skills and knowledge of a “real” lawyer. That being said, the judges don’t particularly favor her counseling Luca in the trial since she’s still only a student and tell her she doesn’t have the qualifications to be his lawyer. So she pulls her wild card: per Othercross rules, she is allowed to represent her beloved during trials regardless. And Alena just met her beloved: Luca. Except…the judges want proof of their mated status. Yeah, you heard that right. She can’t represent him until they have consummated and claimed their beloved.

Alena and Luca are given a 30 minute recess to have sex with each other and come back with a game plan to prove Luca’s innocence. This part made me laugh so hard! Because it’s a ridiculous concept to basically be forced to have sex with someone so you represent them in court. Though I must say that the authors wrote this well. There’s suspense and urgency because there’s a timer for the couple to mate and build a solid defense strategy (or Luca’s screwed – in the bad way) and they snuck in a sizzling sex scene during this time too! I mean, it wasn’t what I was expecting for the first love scene but it was certainly entertaining!

HUUUUGE PLUS for me – which may shock many readers and lovers of the paranormal romance genre. Luca Ravenna stole my heart because he was a gentleman! Yeah, a total gentleman. I found him to be so respectful towards Alena. I admit it’s hot for the alpha male to be so into the female that he’s overtaken by his intense desires for her, he wants to tear off her clothes, pound into her barbarically and be totally melodramatic, but I love Luca for fighting those animalistic urges and acting more like a respectful person. It’s not something you read in adult paranormal romance often so *applause*. He’s sweet with her and she basically takes the reins during their love scene. Don’t know why, but I think it’s cool to have the heroines be feisty, sexy and strong – which Alena totally is! And reading about an alpha male who doesn’t exhibit all the caveman tendencies but is actually civil is really hot!

The court case – overall plot – intrigued me. You have a Falkova defending a Ravenna in a trial that seemed to be rigged against the accused. I like the whole Romeo and Juliet trope of their relationship. I wish there was more explanation on the origins, history and feud between the Falkova clan and Ravenna clan. It felt like a Legally Blond inspired story (underestimated law student who kicks ass!) mixed with a mob boss – rival groups trope. Alena proved herself in court! And she went up against her fellow relatives to prove her enemy innocent! Talk about drama and a satisfying end!

But Alena and Luca’s relationship is underdeveloped. I mean it’s hard to do so when their main focus in the story is to win the case then the relationship plot takes a backseat. I wished it was a little longer so we can get more depth in their relationship. How they work together. Their banter. More love scenes. Partnership conflicts. And their personalities were interesting but still felt superficial and stereotypical. A slightly expanded version would have been perfect to build the layers of complexity for each character. I love short reads but some stories work better in a longer version. These characters deserve to shine fully on the pages!

Curious how the rest of the Othercross series will go – Vampire Seduction is a great starter to the series. It’s an entertaining short read and all the books in the series around the same length.

Final Thoughts

Check out this book if it piques your interest. Hope you enjoy it as your next read or a re-read!

And remember, “Every story is worth the read. Someone (some poor, overworked, ink-stains-on-the-clothes lovely soul) took the time to write it.”

Hello! From the Writer of What Makes You Curious

Introvert (specifically INFJ). Slytherin. Lover of fantasy, romance, thriller and mystery books. I particularly love Harlequin books! When I'm not blogging about the latest books I've read, I'm writing stories, poetry, song lyrics, practicing spirituality, binge-watching YouTube videos and poorly singing Backstreet Boys and/or Kelly Clarkson songs at the top of my lungs. Click my photo to the left to learn more things about me that you didn't ask for me to share with you but I'm going to share with you anyway.

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