JUNE 1, 2022


Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Not a sponsored post. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!

My philosophy for reading: “Every book & story is worth the read. Someone took the time to write it.”


Creator, writer and editor of What Makes You Curious. This project started in April 2018 with the hopes to spread information in an entertaining and easy to learn format through articles and hopefully videos in the future. The website name “What Makes You Curious” was chosen because of my daily shower thoughts and musings, which led me to think that I couldn’t be the only one who is curious about random things in the world.

In 2020, I realized that my love (plus marriage to and obsession) for books was the way that I wanted to share what made me curious. I will mostly be doing book reviews and other book related posts on this website/blog. But I hope this inspires you to find what feeds your own curiosity, imagination, and creativity.


In 2018, I had a dream to get into the blogging sphere (as a means to solely make money). I was (am) broke and desperate. I wanted quick money. So I purchased my own domain and was really excited to create content that will start earning me passive income.

I racked my brain for topics that I could focus on for my blog. It was DIFFICULT. I had too many topics I was interested in. No focus. No direction. I was absolutely confused as a “blogger” so I never put in effort into actually writing content. Just gave myself a lot of pressure, stress and anxiety for about 3 years.

They say “you’ll figure it out along the way”. I guess they weren’t wrong. I DID figure it out eventually (in January 2021 in fact!). Reading through others’ blogs helped me better understand what topics I kept returning to.

Thus, my decision to focus on book-related topics (for the most part) came to be! And I was so excited! My blog had purpose for the first time. This only came to be because I stopped focusing on my blog as a “money maker” (Uhhh, *spoiler alert* I make no money on this blog.) and started using it as a sanctuary to express myself. I was inspired by other bloggers who loved sharing their opinions on certain books they read. And I thought, hell yeah I wanted to do that too!

*Please note that all books I review are not sponsored or given to me for free by the author/publisher/company. I purchase the books myself or borrow from the library, friends and family and read through it completely before giving my thoughts about it. All the book reviews I’ve done are based off my own personal opinion.

How I Review Books I Have Read

I don’t know about you, but I feel like having all the information in the world at our fingertips isn’t so great all the time. We always want that instant response, knowledge, gratification. For me, this (rant) is about books – mostly. I love reading and I wanted to start writing book reviews as a way to archive the progress I’ve made on my goal to increase my reading. Like a personal-not-so-personal-because-it’s-online diary. 

However, sometimes I see a book that I feel I’d be interested in and BAM, the rating for the book comes up. Now, even though I tend to avoid giving too much power over the rating determining how I, personally, will respond to the book, it’s hard at times to avoid letting that 3 star or 5 star, okay more like 4.8 star rating, (posted literally everywhere as soon as you search the book) not influence your first impressions of the book or product. Thanks subconscious thoughts and conforming brain of mine.

Long story short (as you can already tell, I’m a long winded writer –and speaker), I wanted to write my thoughts and opinions on books, and maybe some other stuff, without a rating system. Because they’re my personal comments and maybe you’ll agree or disagree with some points. Either way I hope you gain some insight into the book through my review. 

My philosophy for reading: “Every book/story is worth the read. Someone took the time to write it.”

That being said, I’m only one person. Though it would be my heaven to just read or write all day and have money magically roll in to cover my expenses to live, I won’t have all the time in the world to read every single book. But I want to take the time to read and appreciate the things I do read.

Adopt and Rescue a Book!

As part of my environmentally-conscious efforts, I try to “adopt” books whenever I can. From used book shops, thrift stores, friends, family, neighbors, online, garage sales, etc. Lots of places to look for used books! They waiting for you to adopt them!

I consider myself a “book rescuer” – I adopt them and they now live in my home. This is my way of expressing my awareness of my consumer behavior. Just like I believe every story is worth the read (since someone out there wrote it), I believe that every physical book should have several chances to be enjoyed by people before it ultimately enters the book afterlife called “recycling”. Or if they’re really unfortunate, they’ll go to a dark and scary place of every book’s nightmares called “the landfill”.


  1. Paper production uses lots of water, energy, and chemicals (like bleach). Paper has to use virgin fibers in order to make new paper. So even recycled paper requires virgin fibers, which means new trees are cut down to continue the paper production process. 
  2. There is also tons of paper waste where used paper ends up in the landfill rather than being recycled.
  3. Check out this eye-opening article on how our usage of paper effects the environment (*not sponsored by this company): Paper-Waste-Facts
  4. Paper and the publishing industry (*not sponsored): https://bookriot.com/environmental-toll-of-paper-in-publishing/


As much as these tough cookies like hanging out with other titles on a shelf at a warehouse or bookshop or chilling in someone’s forgotten box in their garage, books desire to snuggle up in your hands and be read! 

Adopt a book when you can! They’re excited to have you as their new guardian. Especially the ones who may be preparing for the book afterlife. Let them put another smile on someone’s face before the end of their journey.

So when you see the label below in any of my posts, the book I reviewed is an ADOPTED BOOK (AKA a used book). And I couldn’t be happier to have them with me!


Every Monday on the blog at 10 AM (PST), 1 PM (EST) or 5 PM (UCT)

The monthly schedule is posted every Sunday at 3 PM (PST) on Facebook so be sure to follow us there!


  • Honest (I write what I think or feel)
  • Sarcastic (at times)
  • Long-winded (I mean like writing essays when it should be the length of a Tweet)
  • Stream of Consciousness (it’ll sometimes make you feel like you’re listening to my soliloquies)

I’ll add a warning before the posts (i.e. mature content in article – mention of strong language/violence/drugs/adult content; spoiler warnings, etc.)

Things About Me You Didn't Need to Know (But Secretly Want to)

INFJ (yeah, I know. Shocker, right?)

#7 – Look it up if you’re interested in what this means.

Slytherin (I’m also tied with Ravenclaw – though I believe I’m more Slytherin)

white, blue, grey

I mostly listen to the rock genre – but specific bands/artists I love are:

  • Within Temptation
  • Theory of a Deadman
  • Thousand Foot Krutch
  • Halestorm
  • Superchick
  • I, Alone
  • AC/DC
  • Scorpions
  • Foreigner
  • Backstreet Boys
  • Shogo Makishima (from the show Psycho-Pass)
  • Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Will Herondale, and Jem Carstairs (from the Shadowhunters show and books)
  • Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Tanaka, Undertaker, Grell Sutcliff, Aleister Chamber, AKA the Viscount of Druitt (from Black Butler)
  • Torin/Keeley, Zacharel, Gideon/Scarlet, Lazarus/Cameo, and Sabin/Gwen (from the Lords of the Underworld and Angels of the Dark series)
  • Sydney Carton (A Tale of Two Cities)
  • Luke Snyder and Dr. Reid Oliver (As the World Turns)
  • Selene (Underworld series)
  • Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)
  • Vanessa Ives (Penny Dreadful)
  • Megara (Disney’s Hercules)
  • Castiel, Sam and Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
  • Zachary Goode (The Gallagher Girls series)
  • Hannibal Lecter (Dr. Hannibal Lector series)
  • Rei Sagara and Shougo Sena (Love Stage!! and Back Stage!!)
  • Lelouch vi Britannia and Suzaku Kururugi (Code Geass)
  • Angela Martin (The Office)
  • Haruka Nanase (FREE!)
  • Eros and Psyche, Hades and Persephone (greek mythology)

fantasy, fiction, romance (especially paranormal romance), thrillers/suspense/mystery, horror/paranormal, epic fantasy (just got into this one as of 2020 – more like trying to read these, ha!), and sci-fi (got into this one recently too).

*But I accept all books from all different genres!

  • Lords of the Underworld and Angels of the Dark series by Gena Showalter
  • The Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter
  • Eldest Curses series by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu and The Bane Chronicles (and well literally anything that has Magnus and Alec)
  • Love Stage!! and Back Stage!! by Eiki Eiki and Taishi Zaou
  • The Geography of Lost Things by Jessica Brody
  • The Troll Whisperer by Sera Trevor
  • The Way of the Househusband by Kousuke Oono
  • Psycho-Pass (Anime)
  • FREE! (Anime)
  • Darker Than Black (Anime)
  • Ouran High School Host Club (Anime)
  • Black Butler (Anime)
  • Penny Dreadful (TV Show)
  • Supernatural (TV Show)
  • Miranda (TV Show)
  • The Office (TV Show)
  • Dominion (TV Show)
  • Bob’s Burgers (TV Show)
  • Archer (TV Show)
  • Disney’s Tarzan (Movie)
  • Underworld (Movie Series)
  • Disney’s Hercules (Movie)
  • Ten Inch Hero (Movie)
  • Odd Thomas (Movie)
  • Dogfight (1991 Movie)

Work where I can express myself creatively (and in my own way) and inspire others. Or make others laugh. I’ve always been attracted to doing my own creative projects – whether it was writing songs, poetry, stories. But I’ve flip-flopped between wanting to be a singer/songwriter, author/writer, environmentalist, counselor, and actor. Yeah, lots of ideas! In my dreams, I get to do all of this. Because I don’t care about being greedy in trying out different work that all equally give me great satisfaction. What can I say, I love nature and self-expression. A genuine hippie.

  • reading (if you haven’t figured that out already) things that make me think about complex ideas and simultaneously reading things that make me not think so hard
  • writing (again, uh duh)
  • dutifully searching up what the hell my dreams mean from the previous night/astrology/spirituality/mysticism (it’s addicting – you know it’s true)
  • taking way too many personality quizzes (though you already know what you’re results will be)
  • practicing yoga – and calming the f*** down
  • contemplating where my life is going which I believe it’s going in a progressive direction
  • enthusiastic collector of tea, mugs, and stationery
  • being thrifty – I like to save money where I can and finding what I call “treasures”
  • lover of the environment and all its amazing, misunderstood, naturally imperfect but beautiful aspects
  • judging taking an analytical look things
  • bitching sharing constructive commentary and critiques – in this case, through book reviews
  • doing whatever I want – always entrepreneurship
  • sarcastic commentary – the honesty you wish your best friends had

Hello! From the Writer of What Makes You Curious

Introvert (specifically INFJ). Slytherin. Lover of fantasy, romance, thriller and mystery books. I particularly love Harlequin books! When I'm not blogging about the latest books I've read, I'm writing stories, poetry, song lyrics, practicing spirituality, binge-watching YouTube videos and poorly singing Backstreet Boys and/or Kelly Clarkson songs at the top of my lungs. Click my photo to the left to learn more things about me that you didn't ask for me to share with you but I'm going to share with you anyway.

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