Book Review: Witch Please: A Charming Small-Town Paranormal Romantic Comedy by Ann Aguirre

June 20, 2022. Danica Waterhouse, modern witch and co-owner of the repair shop Fix-It Witches, has a lot more problems than just the broken items that land in her shop; her Gram is determined to get Danica to marry a witch family so not to taint their line with mundane blood. Titus Winnaker has not been lucky in love, past his thirties and still a virgin, he believes that he’ll never be able to find his soulmate. When one of the ovens at Sugar Daddy’s breaks, Titus calls up Danica and the sparks between them are instant; but with pressure from her Gram, can this fix-it witch and talented baker fix their relationship hang-ups and grow a sweet romance?

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Book Review: No Words: A Novel by Meg Cabot (Little Bridge Island #3)

May 23, 2022. Children’s author, Jo Wright, has been struggling lately with writer’s block, taking care of an ill father and general loss of confidence in her professional career. All thanks to fellow bestselling author, Will Price’s, public criticism about her life’s work. Things take a shocking turn when she finds out her invitation to attend and speak at Little Bridge Island’s first book festival…was at the insistence of her nemesis, Will Price, the man she never wanted to face again after the damage he's caused her.

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Book Review: Overbite by Meg Cabot (Insatiable #2)

May 9, 2022. Meena Harper has had a lot of changes in her life recently. After being fired from her job, finding out her boyfriend is the prince of darkness whose minions have been terrorizing New York and making the toughest decision to break up with him, she just wants to restore some good in the world. When she takes up a job at the Palatine, a demon hunting organization dedicated to the eradication of evil, she thought she could finally do some good….but she will soon find out who is truly good…or evil.

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Book Review: Insatiable by Meg Cabot (Insatiable #1)

April 25, 2022. Soap opera writer Meena Harper has an interesting gift - or curse, depending on how you look at it – she has visions of how each person is going to die…which really kills the mood during a date. Until she meets the mysterious yet charming Romanian history professor, Lucien Antonescu, with whom she believes she has a viable future because she oddly doesn’t have visions of his death. While Lucien is investigating a string of murders in New York and Meena’s company suddenly wants her to incorporate a vampire storyline into the soap opera, she’s about to find out that the vampire world might exist beyond the television screen.

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Book Review: Lord of the Vampires by Gena Showalter (Royal House of Shadows #1)

March 7. 2022. Jane Parker is a scientist who gets to have a daily intimate look into the paranormal world through experimentation and research on vampires and other creatures. Nicolai the Vampire, once known for his power and virility, has lost his timepiece and been stripped of his memories…and of his clothes when turned into a sex slave for the ladies of Delfina. As their romance blossoms, Nicolai slowly learns that Jane, who tempts him beyond all else, might be the only hope to him regaining his memory and identity while for Jane, saving Nicolai could result in losing the only man who has sated her deepest cravings.

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Book Review: Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher Saga #8)

February 28, 2022. The Witcher Geralt of Rivia just wanted to relax and indulge in a little luxurious dining but of course, he can’t enjoy anything in peace. When he arrives at the town of Kerack, bad luck was right at the gates to greet him: he loses his witcher swords and becomes embroiled in the sorcerers’ chapter’s scandal and a potential assassination plot on the king. He needs to retrieve his precious swords back – fast – in order to fight evil and darkness as the season of storms is coming…

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Book Review: The Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher #7)

February 14, 2022. After traveling through the Tower of Swallows, Ciri finds herself trapped in a seemingly peaceful world of the elves that proves to be more threatening than at first glance. Desperate to escape all those hunting her, she makes use of a newfound ability to travel through space and time and strives to be reunited with Geralt and his company. The war is reaching its peak, the mercenaries have cornered all her friends and Ciri needs Geralt by her side to fight the final battle in this epic conclusion to the saga!

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Book Review: The Tower of Swallows by Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher Saga #6)

January 31, 2022. Ciri’s time of freedom and independence with the Rats has made her notorious and now several mercenaries are hunting her down. Geralt and his allies are still racing to find the Child of the Elder Blood, forced to fight against the others who want Ciri for their own plans. Ciri is trapped as both sides of the war are determined to find her and the only place she can run to is the mythical Tower of the Swallow.

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Book Review: Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher Saga #5)

January 24, 2022. After the events at the Isle of Thanedd, Ciri, Yennefer and Geralt get separated from each other and Geralt suffers severe injuries which have led him to hide out in Brokilon to heal. At this time, Ciri is rumored to have been captured by Imperator/Emperor Emhyr var Emreis of Nilfgaard. Upon hearing this rumor, Geralt is now even more hell-bent than ever on retrieving Ciri back but will he reach her in time?

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Book Review: The Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher Saga #4)

January 17, 2022. The sorcerers’ conclave, originally intended to be a diplomatic, civil discussion on how to handle the Nilfgaardian invasions, erupts in conspiracy, betrayal and internal war. Ciri is still being tirelessly hunted by all different groups and ends up having to survive on her own when Geralt suffers an injury that prevents him from being by Ciri’s side and protecting her. But injury or not, Geralt is going to search for and continue guarding his daughter by miracle so she doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

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