SEPTEMBER 30, 2018: BLOG #4
Steps to Being Your Own Champion - The Physical Circle (2 minute read)
Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!
The other day I was browsing around on Pinterest (as I normally do to figure out my life) and I came across a post that helped me stay motivated for my daily workout routine.
As many of us know, starting and more importantly, sticking to, a workout routine can be a challenging feat. And we can turn to several motivational speakers, tag people’s weight loss pictures and stories for inspiration, or watch a mountain of hyper-pumped up fitness gurus instructing you on the “best ways to lose weight fast” or “best ways to have the body of your dreams” as we sit there with a bag a chips in one hand and a soda in the other with the hopes to start that training “tomorrow”. But who are we kidding ourselves? Will tomorrow ever come? Will we ever start training?
I’m not asking you those questions to berate you or judge you. Promise. I’m asking you those questions because I have asked myself those questions a million times over. And as all those success stories on the internet have mentioned, it just takes one day to start. So let that day be today.
And as I have learned, I’ve been incorporating just a few minutes (it started as 15 minutes) of exercise a day, eventually building up to about 30 minute workouts. That’s about the length of one (shorter) TV episode. That was what I had to tell myself in order to get moving. It was only one TV episode, and once you start your workout routine, the 30 minutes won’t feel like a long ass time anymore.
Okay, enough of my tangent spiel. Back to the original focus of this topic. The post had a quote that said “Train like an athlete, eat like a nutritionist, sleep like a baby, win like a champion.”
Well, I wanted to expand that quote a bit. I wanted to help you get into the mindset of a CHAMPION. And being a champion didn’t just mean being attune to your physical body. You would need to train your mental and your emotional being as well. Yes, there are three main parts of your being that I want to highlight to help you be the best you. Hopefully you can get something out of following me through this short series, so that you and I can work on strengthening the physical, mental, and emotional elements of ourselves.
Check out the next post for information about my bodyweight training routine that could help you get started with exercising just a few minutes a day!