MAY 30, 2018: BLOG #2
Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!
*Warning: language
Loving someone who believes in the good in people. Who can love you unconditionally despite your flaws. Why would you ever want to run away from that person? Even if you know and acknowledge that you can be an asshole, act selfishly, lie too much, do anything and everything to get your way, and that person you’re with still sees the good in you…
…that’s when you have to check in with yourself and realize, you have a special person. A person who is willing to accept you for all your amazing qualities and your not-so-amazing-yet-still-endearing-and-bearable flaws. A person who will stay with you even though they’ve seen you in your darkest and most unflattering moments. A person who loves you deeply and has the patience to deal with shit thrown their way. A person who sees you as special and deserving enough for their love, care, time and effort.
We are distrustful of so many people. And we have every right to be. Each person has gone through the roughest and heart-wrenching break ups. However, when you have found someone who still has faith in humanity and never fails to find the good in each person, you know you’ve found a unicorn. Some may see them as gullible, naive, vulnerable, pathetic, too trusting, etc. They’re wrong. These are the ones who are strong. They are the ones who aren’t fed up with all the shit people do or say, but are willing to continuously see the ways that person is beautiful. They are the ones who haven’t given up on people. They are the ones who took a chance on you. And why you? They could have picked anyone else in this world, but they decided to share all their love with you? Because you’re worth it. So never make that person doubt that you’re worth it.
When you are with someone of this caliber, love them. As they love you. See the good in them as they do in you. Don’t take them for granted. Because fuck you if you purposefully hurt them.