FEBRUARY 22, 2021: BLOG #14

We All Have a Golden Voice

Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post! *Some minor language

Image by 🎄Merry Christmas 🎄 from Pixabay

We all have a golden voice.

Let that sink in for a moment. You’re probably thinking or saying out loud, no I’m not a Mariah Carey or Christina Aguilera. No, no, no. Stop that line of thinking!

Each human being has a voice. Even if you have muteness, a physical disability. Or have blindness or have deafness, etc.

You have a golden voice because your golden voice is your soul, the heart of you, the core of you lighting up and wanting to express an idea or a feeling.

And each and every damn one of us has that.

Now how you share that voice with the world is up to you. You can express yourself through the arts. Writing, painting, dancing, etc. You can develop and carry out a mission in the world. Work in a non-profit or something. Saving the environment. Fighting for justice. Helping the disadvantage.

You don’t need to be a phenomenal public speaker, speak a certain language, have the pipes of a heavenly choir of angels, sound like Don LaFontaine (the “In a world…”, “Voice of God” man) or Morgan fucking Freeman or even have physical vocal cords. Just understand your voice is golden. Because it’s yours.

This is the gold standard you should always hold yourself up to (well, don’t be a narcissist but you know what I mean). You should always, always remember your significance in this world and that your voice is important because the message that this voice is meant to deliver is necessary.

Now if you haven’t already, find the way to share your voice.