JANUARY 18, 2021: BLOG #9

What I Learned About Blogging – Writing in My Own Way

Disclaimer: The information you are about to read is based off of my own opinions. Not intended to be taken as professional advice. Just for fun to read and to maybe open up your mind to something new. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

Lost, confused, and sad. These seem to be recurring themes in a lot of my writing lately. Well I always said I wrote what I felt because writing is cathartic for me, so you sweet viewers get to embrace my somber stories.

A while back when I was reading through other people’s blogs about how to blog properly and make money off of blogging and the whole thing, I came across a piece of advice that said people want to read blog posts or articles that have direction, strategy, results, answers. People don’t want to read about personal life experiences that don’t seem to have a point.

Think the dreaded “what’s your brand” question being drilled into your mind relentlessly.

Well maybe I misinterpreted the meaning of their advice, but the point that stuck with me was that people come to your blog because they are looking for something specific. If your blog primarily talks about fitness, motherhood, video games, etc., people go to your blog seeking those topics. In comparison, you won’t have a successful blog if you just post about random things happening in your life. And so…being a newbie at this (blogging and opening up for the first time in my life), I was apprehensive nobody would enjoy my content if it read like a personal diary.

I don’t believe I was correct in that way of thinking.

I often visited Tiny Buddha’s blog/website. Today was one of those days. I find comfort reading about other people’s challenges and successes. And guess what? They’re all personal stories (well the ones I read). Sure there was an overall reason to sharing their life experiences, but it gave me the confirmation I needed to know that writing a blog like a personal diary wouldn’t be so bad. That it’s not some criminal offense. That when you write what you love, it’ll show and others organically flock to it like bees to honey.

As humans, we naturally gravitate towards stories. It’s innate in our being. And in our toughest times in life, we may not always need a strategy to overcome our challenges. Hell, most of the time, we know how to overcome them, we just don’t out of fear, worry, or uncertainty. At this point, we’re probably seeking out good-ol’-reliable human empathy. We want someone to relate to, to feel what we feel, to inspire us, to make us cry, to share our burdens with and provide that extra ounce of reassurance that everything will be okay.

Basically, I wanted to make a point that you should write whatever you want on your blog (maybe don’t write something offensive, criminal, or threatening FYI) because someone will read it and get a lesson out of it. Because if you painstakingly agonize over all the little details, you’ll end up sucking the life out of your writing and most likely not write anything at all.

So just write. Write in your own unique way. Show who you truly are.

Maybe I’m an idiot for not being confident sooner. But I know there are others of you who are struggling with similar thoughts and feelings. So there’s your nugget of wisdom for today.

Thanks for the support!